
POP MART因其可愛且精緻的盲盒公仔而聞名。憑藉豐富多彩和獨特的設計,POP MART為全球收藏家帶來歡樂。而這次的團隊合作繪畫,他們將受歡迎的盲盒公仔角色融入畫作之中,帶來輕鬆有趣的氛圍,絕對是一件讓辦公室增添歡樂氣氛的藝術品。...


Life is a long journey, a good backpack will carry our dream, and a buddy along the way will bring courage. Each participant paints their wishes on a plain backpack. All the bags then donated to the kids in need, inspiring their art and life...

「SCENT of Art」是由STUDIO 83策劃的慈善繪畫展,通過融合藝術家的筆觸和感性香氣,展現一種全新的藝術體驗。 該展覽展示約40幅畫作,其中包括來自日本、厄瓜多爾以及香港的五位新興藝術家。展覽分為五個區域,每個區域都有獨特的氣味:清晨草地代表「陸地」,沙灘氣味代表「海洋」,女性香氣代表「感性」,木材香氣代表「木質」,糖果香氣代表「趣味」。這個異國之旅由ScentAir設計,旨在通過嗅覺來吸引觀眾的參與。展覽亦有展出由受惠兒童創作的畫作。 本展覽的部分收益捐贈給兒童癌病基金會,支持該基金在醫院、社區以及癌症患者及其家屬的日常需求方面的工作,向患有癌症的兒童表達愛與關懷。...

與Galerie Huit / Changing Young Lives Foundation攜手合作的籌款展覽。透過50多件2D和3D藝術品,「True Beauty」展覽將香港、台灣以及法國知名塗鴉藝術家(Daco)的作品呈現,展示了藝術家們對真正之美和內在靈魂的感悟。這一系列作品描繪了藝術家個人對美的本質的詮釋,激發了觀眾對「 True Beauty」的思索。儘管美是主觀的,藝術家們透過作品啟迪並傳達他們的視野。我們亦對展覽合作夥伴Aesop表示衷心感謝。...

The fashion illustration workshop was suitable for both beginners and those with no drawing experience. The participants had the opportunity to draw different stunning fashion icons and create an iconic art piece for home decoration. The workshop reminded us that while fashion trends reference the...

Ever imagine the workplace can turn into a decent space for art jamming? Macquarie Group strengthened their team bond with an enjoyable office art painting night. A great way to build camaraderie among colleagues....

The team building event with Fidinam brought together a team from different cultural backgrounds and created a happy, cohesive group. The absence of masks allowed everyone to see each other's smiling faces and bond over team activities. ...

Switzerland Tourism Board invited media from different platforms, using art to interpret the most updated marketing campaign of Switzerland's beautiful scene and tourist spot. The decoration turned Studio 83 into a mini Switzerland....

這次與Peak Reinsurance - 一間全球排名前五十的再保險公司,合力將藝術融入辦公室的設計,令藝術成為公司文化的一部份。...